Mike and Lynette
Woods live in New Zealand’s beautiful capital city
with their two grown up children and friendly Birman
cat, Nala. We welcome guests to our home and enjoy
showing them around the city. Wellington is New
Zealand's cultural hub and movie-making hub so there
is a lot to do and see!
We have lived in Wellington since 1988, except for a
period of four years on a diplomatic posting to
Washington DC. While living there we gladly received
guests from NZ, Australia and the USA. Since returning
to Wellington in 2010, we have continued to welcome
guests (both local and international) into our home.
We know many of the places people like to visit here
in Wellington, depending on their interests.
Both of us were born in New Zealand, although Lynette
grew up overseas and attended an American boarding
school so she speaks (and writes) both British and
American English. Mike traveled through Europe in his
younger days and can speak a little French. Lynette
creates and maintains our home while doing voluntary
work on several websites, her background is in
computer graphics. Mike's background is in the
education sector, and he is contracted to government
agencies in a policy advisory role.